Pelvis : Energies of the 4 elements

An exploration in Yoga and Dance fusion


If you are fluent in both yoga and dance, this workshop will enable you to create connections. If you are new to either yoga or dance, Anasma will teach you the basics of the other form helping you to deepen your discovery and research.

The 2 x 2-hour English online workshop will focus specifically on the anatomy of the pelvis and include elements of the following:

EARTH: Yoga Dance Air ® LISTEN INSIDE- Earth & SOUL principles with intention setting, breathwork, perineum. Grounding our center, we will talk about the alignments of the hips with the head and feet. We will offer an efficient core and back conditioning for dance lovers who want to take care of themselves in the long run. 

WATER: Yoga Dance Air ® FLUIDIFY with the WAVING Theory: we focus on creating fluidity in the body. We will be waving from head to toe, connecting our moves and awareness of the pelvis with fluidity and breath. We will thread our inner sensations together to let the energy and emotions flow. 

FIRE: Yoga Dance Air ® DIVERSIFY through ACCENTS: we define dynamics, rhythms of movement, and quality changes. Engaging and relaxing the pelvic floor, the technical content of this class includes elements such as muscular contractions and release with an awareness of anatomy. We control and let go.

AIR: Yoga Dance Air ® EXPAND your Space - Finding contrast between the inner space and the space around us, we also play with taking our axis off balance, expanding and contracting in space, connecting to the space outside and inside.


  • get a chance to study live and ask all your questions (Nov 25 and Nov 26, 2023 for the live streaming)

  • replay for a month : 2 videos - total content of 4h30

  • access to a community

Abonnement mensuel 39€/mois

7 jours d’essai gratuit pour découvrir le studio.